
In January, 2000, Hebei Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd  implemented new running program of branch company, and set 5 separate branches: infusion branch, tablet branch, injection branch, medicinal granules branch and new drug branch. At the same time, 5 departments were set: enterprise management department, sales department, quality & technology management department, finance department and comprehensive management department. Our company was called general company for the first time.

In March, 2000, the general company carried out mortgage-based contract for sals staff, which promoted our sales business to have a good development.

In August, 2000, our company decided to implemented GMP management  and prepare the national GMP certification.

In November 22, 2000, National GMP Certification Center checked our the infusion sorkshop. We successfully passed GMP certification and this was the first GMP workshop of Hebei Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 

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